Invited Speaker - Norman Barnett March 30, 2020 Norman Barnett, Lead Food Safety Trainer for the Arizona Department of Agriculture, gives an overview of of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR) for the Food Safety Consortium on March 24, 2020. Link to Recording Image
FSC Newsletter Winter 2019 Dec. 20, 2019 Learn more about what the Food Safety Consortium has been working on in 2019. Read more
2019 Food Safety Conference Oct. 17, 2019 To promote networking and to provide educational opportunities for it’s members, the FSC hosted a Food Safety Conference in October at the Lodge on the Desert in Tucson, AZ. The conference included a wide array of speakers and attracted over 70 attendees. Following the conference guests enjoyed a poster session with a student poster competition sponsored by the Victor P. Smith Endowment in Food Safety Education. Read more
Safer Food Cats UA summer program had high school students studying food safety June 15, 2019 Sampling meat for bacteria is probably not how a typical teenager would like to spend part of their summer. But for 13 Arizona high school students in the SaferFoodCats summer program, this was exactly what they had in mind. The University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences hosted high school students from across Arizona this month for a 12-day summer camp where they were introduced to career pathways in food safety and worked in a food safety lab. This was the inaugural year for the SaferFoodCats program. Arizona Daily Star Image