Invited Speaker - Dr. Vijay Juneja June 25, 2020 Dr. Vijay K. Juneja spoke to the Food Safety Consortium on "Predictive Microbiology". Recording now available. Read more Image
Invited Speaker Dr. Charles Gerba June 4, 2020 Dr. Charles P. Gerba spoke to the Food Safety Consortium and provided an "Update on Coronaviruses at the WEST Center". Recording now available. Read more Image
Seguridad Alimentaria Durante COVID-19 April 29, 2020 En este folleto respondemos a las preguntas mas comunes sobre cómo asegurarnos de que los alimentos que preparamos en casa sean seguros en estas circunstancias. Read more Image
Handling COVID-19 Guidance for U-Pick Farms April 28, 2020 The following resources were created by NC State University and provide best practices for preparing for COVID-19 and managing risk for U-Pick Farms. Read more
Handling COVID-19 Guidance for Farmers' Markets April 28, 2020 The following resources were created by NC State University and provide best practices for preparing for COVID-19 and managing risk for Farmers' Markets. Read more
Podcast - Food Manufacturing in the time of COVID-19 April 28, 2020 With the rapid spread of COVID-19, the global food system has been pulled into new and uncertain territory. New recommendations for personal and public safety, the global nature of the pandemic, and resulting shifts in consumer behavior have all contributed to this uncertainty. This episode of Food Disruptors is one of several that will explore the immediate and lasting effects that COVID-19 may have on the food industry. Listen to IFT Podcast Image
Food Safety During COVID-19 April 28, 2020 We answer your questions about making sure the food you prepare at home is safe under these challenging new circumstances. Read more Image
COVID-19 Resources April 27, 2020 For accurate, up-to-date information on COVID-19 please see this comprehensive list of resources. The list is housed and maintained on the COVID-19 Resources page for the Western Regional Center to Enhance Food Safety of which the University of Arizona is a member. All materials are peer reviewed by member(s) of the center. COVID-19 Resources Image
New COVID-19 Rapid Response Program Area for Agricultural and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) April 26, 2020 NIFA recently added a program area to its main Agricultural and Food Research Initiative RFA: Rapid Response to Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Impacts Across Food and Agricultural Systems. Deadline to submit applications is June 4. NIFA will expedite application evaluation & awards review to ensure rapid project start-up. For more information and to apply, view the RFA. View RFA
UArizona Research Labs Produce Hand Sanitizer for Area Health Care Workers April 20, 2020 Researchers in the School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences scaled down their work on bacterial infectious diseases to focus on the community's immediate need amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Read Hand Sanitizer Article Image