2022 Food Safety Conference
Thank you to all of our speakers, sponsors, and attendees! If you missed any of the presentations or would like to view them again view the recordings at the links below.
October 26, 2022
Dr. Subash Shrestha – Cargill
Controlling Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Meat, Poultry, and Egg Products
Watch Presentation
Dr. Craig Parker – USDA, ARS
Straight Out of California: Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis PT30 Associated with Raw Almonds
Watch Presentation
Brad Clawson – Casa Grande Dairy Products, Lactalis
Yogurt Production in Casa Grande, Arizona
Watch Presentation
Chaz Shelton – Merchants Garden
Angie Stevenson – KETOS
Real-Time Water Quality Analysis for Urban Farming
Watch Presentation
Dr. Ayman Mostafa – Maricopa County Cooperative Extension
A New Urban Agriculture Production Program in Arizona
Watch Presentation
October 27, 2022
Congratulations to our Student Poster Presenters
Student poster presenters competed for cash awards totaling $1,700 including:
- Three $500 top presenter awards which were awarded to:
Janell Kartoz
Richard Park
Miely Suarez
- The Yuma Center for Excellence in Desert Agriculture (YCEDA) sponsored award ($100):
Kirat Khushwinder Bains
- The Dr. Dan Engeljohn Crowd Favorite Award which includes a $100 award:
Kirat Khushwinder Bains
View poster abstracts below below.
Congratulations to our Staff Poster Presenters
Staff poster presenters competed for a travel/research award totaling $500:
- One $500 top presenter award which were awarded to:
Dr. Bibiana Law
View poster abstracts below below.
Thank you to Our Sponsors!
Platinum Sponsors
- JV Smith Food Safety Endowment
- ALVSCE Research, The University of Arizona
- School of Nutritional Science and Wellness, The University of Arizona
- Yuma Safe Produce Council
Gold Sponsors
- School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences, The University of Arizona
- Cooperative Extension, The University of Arizona
- CALS Academic and Career Services, The University of Arizona
- Western Growers Association
- BioSafe Systems
- Yuma Fresh Vegetable Association
- Duncan Family Farms
Silver Sponsors
- Aquaculture Pathology Lab, The University of Arizona
- Scott Resources
- The Barkley Company of Arizona
General/Student Award Sponsors
- YCEDA, The University of Arizona
- Phoenix Biometrics
Wed Oct 26 | Virtual |
1:00 pm |
Welcome and Introductions Sadhana Ravishankar - Food Safety Consortium Chair and Professor - The University of Arizona |
1:20 pm Keynote |
Controlling Listeria moncytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Meat, Poultry, and Egg Products Subash Shrestha - Food Safety Lead and Process Authority - Cargill |
2:00 pm |
Straight Out of California: Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis PT30 Associated with Raw Almonds Craig Parker - Lead Scientist, Produce Safety and Microbiology Research Unit - USDA, Agricultural Research Service |
2:30 pm |
Yogurt Production in Casa Grande, Arizona Brad Clawson - Plant Manager, Casa Grande Dairy Products |
3:00 pm | Break |
3:15 pm |
Real-Time Water Quality Analysis for Urban Farming Chaz Shelton - Founder and CEO - Merchant's Garden |
3:45 pm |
A New Urban Agriculture Production Program in Arizona Ayman Mostafa - Interim Director, Maricopa County - UArizona Cooperative Extension |
4:15 pm |
Irrigation Water Safety and Quality Panel Discussion
4:50 pm | Conference Wrap-Up |
5:00 pm | Adjourn |
Thurs Oct 27 | In-Person - Double Tree, ReID Park |
2:30 pm | Welcome and Conference Dedication Plaque Presentation |
2:50 pm | Networking and Student/Staff Poster Sessions with light refreshments |
4:30 pm | Poster Session Award Presentation |
4:50 pm | Conference Wrap-Up |
5:00 pm | Adjourn |
UArizona Student and Staff Poster Session
Student Poster Entries (listed in alphabetical order)
Kirat Khushwinder Bains
Title: Attachment Strength of Salmonella enterica serovar Newport and Listeria monocytogenes on Melon Hybrids from Five Growing Regions in the United States
Authors: David Rowlands, Kristina Raygoza, Kirat Bains, Paul Brierley, Martin Porchas, Bhimu Patil, Sadhana Ravishankar
Cesily Cirerol
Title: Understanding the prevalence and transmission of Cyclospora cayetanensis in the South-East Coast Region of the United States
Authors: Cesily Cirerol, Dominic Rodriguez, Miely Suarez, Janell Kartoz, Khai Truong, Elissa Arvizu, Maria Acosta-Perez, Gerardo U. Lopez
Hannah Crean
Title: Decrease in Sanitizer Efficacy of Peracetic Acid (PAA) and Sodium Hypochlorite in the Presence of Nitrogen-Based Fertilizers Used on Leafy Greens
Authors: Zoe Scott, Jessica Dery, Natalie Brassill, Hannah Crean, Channah Rock
Janell Kartoz
Title: Prevalence Studies in the Western United States for Epidemiological Investigation of Cyclosporiasis Outbreaks
Authors: Janell Kartoz, Cesily Cirerol, Dominic Rodriguez, Maria Acosta-Perez, Miely Suarez, Khai Truong, Elissa Arvisu, Liz Moreno, Gerardo U. Lopez
Richard Park
Title: Efficacy of Ozone Against Salmonella Newport and Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Non-Traditional Sources of Irrigation Water at Room Temperature and 4°C
Authors: Richard Park, Libin Zhu, Govindaraj Dev Kumar, Sadhana Ravishankar
Miely Suarez
Title: Analyzing the prevalence and transmission of Cyclospora cayetanensis in the Southwestern United States and Mexico
Authors: Miely Suarez, Cesily Cirerol, Dominic Rodriguez, Khai Truong, Maria Acosta-Perez, Janell Kartoz, Elissa Arvisu, Gerardo U. Lopez
Staff Poster Entries (listed in alphabetical order)
Natalie Brassill
Title: Evidence of Microbial Transfer from Furrow Water to Leafy Greens during Irrigation
Authors: Natalie Brassill, Jessica Dery, Ban Saber, Channah Rock
Justin Clark
Title: Survival of Escherichia coli in Sediments in Artificial Irrigation Canals
Authors: Justin Clark, Gary Guislie, Valery Gonzalez, Priscilla Valenzuela, Andrew Rabe, Madison Goforth, Kelly Bright, Jennifer Duan, and Charles P. Gerba
Bibiana Law
Title: Plant-based Microemulsions Inactivate Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Pseudomonas fluorescens on Iceberg Lettuce and Improve Visual Quality During 28-day storage
Authors: Stephanie Arellano, Bibiana Law, Sadhana Ravishankar